Zines at Manly Library

A selection of the 2011 photographic entries will be chosen and made into a zine.

What is a zine?
'A zine is an independently created publication. The contents are anything you want them to be like: personal experiences and stories, political ideologies, music related writing, gardening tips, travel stories, comics, photography, or anything you like. Zines can be put together by one person or a group of people and they are usually photocopied.'  Stolen Sharpie Revolution, Alex Wrekk

Why is Manly Library interested in zines?
Mini -zine fair at Manly Library
Manly Library became interested in zines in 2009 when a workshop with Vanessa Berry was held.  (Find out more about Vanessa at  http://zinewiki.com/Vanessa_Berry%20)  and her world at http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~howodd/) .The Library then applied for a grant to develop a zine collection.  In 2010 the Library received a State Library of NSW grant to develop a zine collection.  Along with this collection the Library runs a workshop and mini-zine fair as part of the Manly Arts Festival held annualy in September.  Manly Library staff are also liaising with local high schools to run introductory sessions about zines with local students.

Workshop held at Manly Library
Find out more about zines in Australia at this website
Australian Zines and Small Press: http://groups.google.com/group/zines-aus